Tuesday 31 January 2012

learn to listen :D


heyyo guys :D so hows your life today ? is it okayy ? ^^

Today we have some exercise on listening test which will be held on friday .

I only got 9/15 . argghhhhh I was not focusing at that time and I deserve that mark . huhu .

* I need to buy some cotton buds :p

Hope everything would be fine this friday :)

Thursday 26 January 2012

The test begin now !

Assalamualaikum .

when Miss zue said that the test has begin . i'm blank ! truly I'm blank . I don't understand what is the passage all about. I don't know what is the question ask for. and I don't know what is wrong with me at that time -______-'

with some zikir and prayer , I keep trying to find some ideas for my essay . fuuhhh .

after one and half , all has done :D

and I know , I didn't put much effort on my test . sorry miss :(

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Date with Miss Zue

Assalamualaikum .

Today my classmates and I met Miss Zue and have a little bit discussion about our Mid Term Test . Everyone has chance to ask Miss Zue about how to write the essay , how to answer the question properly and I think this activity might help us to answer it tomorrow ! ><

Dear Mid Term Test , please be nice to me :)

Thursday 19 January 2012

what ? Quiz ?!

Assalamualaikum .

We were  little bit rushing at noon to go for bel class and we have a quiz ! this quiz is same like our becoming mid term test . as usual , I  didn't prepare anything ! so just close my eyes , holding a pen and write it ! hahaha . huh -,-

After that , we have a little bit discussion about the quiz and mark it too . yeah I just got 7.5/10 . its not good enough and I know I need to read more carefully after this -_____- thats for reading comprehension while the short essay Miss Zu will mark it and give it to us at night class .

At night class , Miss Zu keep her promise to give the quizzes . For the first quiz , I've got the highest mark (!) Alhamdulilah , I didn't expected my essay can win Miss Zu's heart . hewhew :*

I don't know how to rotate this picture -.- so as you can see I got 7/10 !
okay its not something great to be proud but I can't stop smiling when Miss Zu give it to me har har :3

BUT , I know it just ONCE IN A LIFETIME -_____-

for the 2nd quiz , yeah I will do better for the mid test :*
**hopefully ~ 

After that , we had a presentation . all about grammar thingy :x
Ezuwan's group presented about adejctives and conjunction . 
you know what is adjectives means ??

new lecturer har har :p

click HERE for some examples of adjectives :)

how about conjunctions ?? can you explain my new lecturer ?? :*

thank you Mr Izaudin hewhew :p

click on THIS for more info ^^

well done guys :)

Tuesday 17 January 2012

lets talk :)

Assalamualaikum :)

hello peoples :)
Today's class we had a forum based on the title given by Miss Zu . My group members were Ezuwan , Syafiqah , Suhaila and Taufiq . You know what is forum ??

This is how forum looks like . there is a host and panels .

and this is how my group looks like in the forum yeah :D

hihi :p

Ezuwan was the host of this forum while the others were the panels . we have to talk about "SAY NO TO PLASTIC BAG !" and I need to act as Ministry of Environment . whoa :O this topic is quite interesting as we can see around the world has take the initiative by using paper bag instead of plastic bag to save the earth .

"I want to ask the audience , who should be blame about this matter ? we can say that the citizen words speaks louder than their action . who throw the plastic to the drain ? it is our responsible and we should not blame others ."

you can click HERE for pages about say no to plastic bag ><

alhamdulilah :) the forum was going well :)

here are some pictures for the other groups .

Where is Poney ??!!
I think this is the hillarious talk show ever haha :p

elya's group .

well done peeps !

Thursday 12 January 2012

opinion or fact ??

Assalamualaikum :)

hello there :) thursday should be BEL-ALL-THE-TIME . I need to go for 2 Bels classes . fuuuuuuuuuu... For the first class at noon , I have a quiz about non linear text to linear text . So without prepared anything , just close my eyes , and write it ! hahaha .

the night class , we have learned about fact vs opinion . what is this ??

I think this minion is cute .
Ila said that "I think this minion is crazy"

when there is someone doesn't agree with you , and only you think about it ,
it is OPINION ^^

this minions are from Despicable Me 
Ila also said this minions are from Despicable Me 
so it is a FACT

just a simple things right ?? xD

when you play game about opinion and fact , LISTEN CAREFULLY !
Miss Zu create a game about opinion vs fact .
one group need to list about 10 opinions or facts and other groups need to answer how many opinions or facts from them .
not so easy not so difficult but
its hard to find the answer =____=
don't worry , it such an exciting game to be play with .

Wednesday 11 January 2012

ohh musical :)

Assalamaualaikum my dear readers :)

have you ever watched this movies ??

high school musical !

how about this ..

GLEEEEE !!! ><

but I don't have a nice voice . so em em... 

Miss Zu asked we to make a musical drama , my group members were niena , megat , aira , dinie , and haaa . the title is about blood donation . so I have been chose to be a doctor . a lovely doctor muahaha because I need to sing to my patient . erkk -.- 

"I'm sorry for hurting youu..
for everything I just couldn't do
and I hurt myself....
by hurting you..."

Hurt by Christina Aguilera .
but my voice was not awesome like her . =.=

this is one of the group which has been performed on that day .
sorry , there is no picture for my group .

I have a super duper awesome day . thanks Miss zu !

Tuesday 10 January 2012


Assalamualaikum :)

hello my readers :) I feel so relieved when I have done with my presentation . YEAH !! I don't have to practice in front of my mirror anymore . =__=

so let see . what is the topic that I have to present ?? fyi , its for my grammar class so ITS ALL ABOUT GRAMMAR . BUT , i hate grammar . forever . #thetruth

today lets learn grammar with me ^^ . thanks for theyuniversity for help me to prepare the slide .  one of the best tumblr for those who needs help in grammar xD

first , it is about PRONOUN . you know what it is ???

there are many types of pronouns . for more info kindly please click here ^^

for the second is about PREPOSITION :)

you can refer here for more details :)

so now you have learned something from me . have fun in my blog ! ^^

Monday 9 January 2012

game !!!!!

Assalamualaikum peeps ! :)

Miss Zu is like a boom ! she mad at us because we does not prepare well for our portfolio . maybe we just take it easy and doesn't pay attention what she wants . We were sorry Miss Zu \peace/

then , we play a game . ohhh it was awesome game >< \weeeeee/

so here is the thing . first , Miss Zu will play a video and we need to wrote in the piece of paper what is the main purpose of the video .

when you watch this video \pink-family potrait/
what do you think about ??
and my group's answer is ...

and we only get 1 mark for that =_____=

the second one,

this video is quite interesting for me .
so you need to view this video xp
and we think that..

and we get full marks for it !

for the last one ..

my tears fall when I watched this movie 
thats so touched :'(

our answer is ...

Miss Zu said that we have the ideas , but we got ...

O mark !

erkkk -.-

and other groups also get the same mark too .
amd we have a great time in the class .
seriously ,
I feel enjoyed to do this activities :>
before the class dimiss , we watched a video for Petronas Raya Commercial.

HAHA . that was so funny :D

ACTUALLY , all of this game is based on the topic sentence .
for more info , click <<here>>

Thursday 5 January 2012

oh noo presentation :O

Assalamualaikum peeps :)

I had a presentation about NON LINEAR TEXT change to LINEAR TEXT . so here's the thing , I hate to do the essay . when you need to discuss it and you don't agree with it but you need to realized this is group assignment , so hurmmmm -..-

I need to convert this table and write into an essay .

Hours spent on activities by different age groups in Someland
70s +
Socialising with        4 or less people
Socialising with        4 or more people
Doing individual exercise
Doing group exercise/sport
Watching movies in cinemas

 Hours spent on activities by different age group in Someland
 The above table illustrates the hours spent on leisure activities between age teenagers to 70s above in Someland. It shows the fluctuating and decreasing hours spend on activities. (OV+CI
The most popular activities is watching television and videos which decrease from teenagers to 30s but rising back at the age 40s until 70s. The mass media broadcast many interesting programmes that most attracted people to watch it. (KF1
     Because of 60s above does not have enough energy, there make the activity of doing exercises dropped rapidly to zero compared to other activities.  (KF2
    Obviously, we can see that the constant hours spent from 30s to 50s in all activities because of the commitment in their works and mostly they more like to be in cyber world. (KF3
   In a nutshell, the slump in activity of doing exercise because of the uses in energy is lesser when they getting old. Hopefully government would encourage people by joining the ‘Sport for Health’ campaign in order to attract citizens live in healthy life. (Pi+Pii)
CI - Controlling ideas
OV - overview
KF - keyfeatures
Pi - prediction
Pii - proposal

this essay has been rewrite by us , previously , it is not quite okayy . so the other groups should get the compliment because they have elaborate the information in the table so well . well done fellas !

Tuesday 3 January 2012

nouns and article

Assalamualaikum :)
hello peeps :)

before my mid semester break , I had a night class . Rahey's group were asked to present about nouns and article . they need to be our lecturer for a while . while Miss Zu will sitting at the back and judge how they present it . If you think to be lecturer is si easy , it is not :/  when your students doesn't understand what you teach them , you are fail to be a lecturer x)

rahey's group : from left : raheyy , hefa , poney and salina
\having a facebook acount can be worth sometimes :D/


you have used everyday right ?? ^^

 and now lets find what is ARTICLE ><

just like what you see , we have learn it since our primary school .
I think it should be like abc to answer the question ^^

after that , to make the presentation more interesting there is a game made originally by them . it is snake ladder game , just like what you see but they create by themselves and my group won the game . CALLOOH CALLAY ! ><

 you have play it in your childhood isn't it ?? :')

so , my group will be the next . so lets pray that everything will goes well :') ALL IS WELL :D

Monday 2 January 2012

my first poem ^^

Assalamualaikum :)
hello world :)

that day Miss Zu asked we to create a poem by myself .

A POEM??? !!!

erghhh -.- but I've tried my best to do the poem . it based on the title "I think I can"

so , about 30 minutes , my poem is done . and  now I become a poet HAHA . mine is too short maybe and not interesting than the others . ==

the struggle tha you facing
the move you making
sometimes they knocked you down
leave you with an empty heart

Whatever happens to your day 
just relax and managed to make a smile
life is not a problem 
but a give to enjoy
I know you can 

well I've learned to make a poem . so how about you ??^^

**a time capsule ?? errrkk -.-
before the end of the class . Miss Zu mention about the time capsule . have you heard it ?? you know what it is ?? it is about what we want in our future \my own opinion/ and who will we bring in our time capsule . it will be open in the end of semester . I just can't wait for it !